Thursday, 28 September 2017

Peta's A-Z of Pilates: K is for...

K is for...


Kinaesthetic awareness refers to our ability to navigate space and our awareness of how we move. Different people have different levels of kinaesthetic awareness, but it is an ability that can be lost if it is not used.

When we perform a new exercise for the first time, it may feel that we don't have complete control of the movement. However, with practice our body learns the movement more efficiently, and we train our muscles gradually - reducing extraneous movements to perfect the movement.

Standing posture is a good example of how use our kinaesthetic awareness. If your head is too far forwards, realigning it so it's in line with your spine will improve your head position and realign your posture over time.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Peta's A-Z of Pilates: J is for...

J is for...

Joint Mobility

Joint mobility is at the heart of Pilates. Painful joints are a common problem in today’s world; sedentary lifestyles mean that our joints are not moving the way they should be.

When we are not using our joints they stiffen up and can cause referred pain to other parts of the body. When we exercise our joints are flooded with synovial fluid which lubricates the joint, making movement easier and more efficient.

When we concentrate on mobilising a joint we improve its range of movement, releasing tight muscles and helping to realign it to its optimum position.

Creating mobility in joints improves our ability to do every day activities and preserves the health and longevity of the joint.